Munch vs. Kapwing

AI spots great clips. ClipFM Studio makes them yours.

Quickly find clips with AI, or make your own in seconds with our lightning-fast fastest clip editor — no need to sacrifice your creative control.

ClipFM is built for professionals

Spend less time editing

Time is your most valuable asset. Simply upload a video and we'll deliver you ready-to-post clips within minutes.

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Grow your audience

Clips are a great way to get discovered by new listeners.

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Repurpose past videos

Repackage your existing videos instead of always needing to come up with new content.

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Spend less money

Pay less than 10x the price of what it costs to hire an editor.

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Munch product image

Munch offers a distinct service in the realm of AI-powered podcast clipping tools, providing not just pre-styled clips but also auto-generated titles and descriptions. This additional feature can indeed be a time-saver, handling two elements of the content creation process that typically require manual effort. However, while Munch's capabilities might be convenient, they come with some challenges. One significant issue is the platform's user interface during the editing phase. It's less intuitive than one might prefer, potentially making the process of personalizing content more complex and time-consuming than necessary. Moreover, while the auto-generated titles and descriptions can streamline the process, they might not always perfectly align with a podcaster's specific vision or branding. While they provide consistency, this automated feature might limit the users' control over their content. In conclusion, Munch offers some unique features that could enhance efficiency in content creation. However, the cumbersome editing process and the limitations in customization may not be favorable to many creators.


Kapwing product image

Kapwing offers a unique combination of tools in the content creation space, integrating basic video editing functionality with features like screen recording and even a meme generator. This set of features could be particularly appealing to teams looking to create a diverse range of content, all within a single platform. However, it's worth noting that Kapwing, despite its variety of features, does not incorporate AI to auto-generate clips from larger pieces of content. For creators or teams seeking to efficiently extract specific portions from their content, Kapwing might not offer the desired solution. This could mean a more manual and time-consuming process for clip extraction. Additionally, while the diversity of Kapwing's features could be appealing to some, it may also complicate the user interface or the learning curve for new users. The wide range of functionalities might make navigation less intuitive, potentially slowing down the content creation process. Moreover, the basic nature of Kapwing's editing functionality could limit the degree of control and customization available to users. For teams seeking advanced editing options, Kapwing might fall short of their requirements. In conclusion, while Kapwing offers a diverse range of features suitable for teams producing a variety of content types, its lack of AI-assisted clip generation and potential limitations in editing functionality could pose challenges for teams seeking a more comprehensive and automated solution.

Get started making clips today.


+What's ClipFM?
+How does the AI find clips?
+What if I don't like the clips?
+How many clips will I get?
+Will Clip work for my content?
+Does it work with audio-only podcasts?
+What languages does it support?
+Will my clips go viral?
+Can I make my own clips?
+Do you have an affiliate program?
+How do I try it out?