Vizard vs. Clipchamp

AI spots great clips. ClipFM Studio makes them yours.

Quickly find clips with AI, or make your own in seconds with our lightning-fast fastest clip editor — no need to sacrifice your creative control.

ClipFM is built for professionals

Spend less time editing

Time is your most valuable asset. Simply upload a video and we'll deliver you ready-to-post clips within minutes.

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Grow your audience

Clips are a great way to get discovered by new listeners.

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Repurpose past videos

Repackage your existing videos instead of always needing to come up with new content.

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Spend less money

Pay less than 10x the price of what it costs to hire an editor.

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Vizard product image

Vizard steps into the AI content creation field with a focus on basic video editing tasks. Its AI capabilities are used for features such as adding subtitles and resizing videos, which could streamline these particular aspects of the video editing process for creators. These automated functions can indeed save time and effort, reducing the need for manual input for these foundational editing tasks. Vizard's offering might be suitable for creators who primarily require help with these basic editing tasks. However, it's worth noting that Vizard does not utilize its AI to auto-generate clips from larger pieces of content. For creators seeking to extract specific clips from their audiovisual content, Vizard might not provide the desired solution. This could result in additional manual work for the creator, and potentially disrupt the efficiency of their content creation workflow. Additionally, the level of customization available within Vizard might be somewhat limited due to its focus on basic editing tasks. For creators seeking a higher degree of control or more advanced editing options, Vizard might not fully meet their requirements. In summary, Vizard offers AI-powered basic video editing functionalities which could be beneficial for those in need of such features. However, its lack of AI-assisted clip generation and potential limitations on advanced customization may pose challenges for those seeking a more comprehensive, flexible solution for their content creation process.


Clipchamp product image

Clipchamp steps into the content creation sphere as a video editor that facilitates the creation of clips from larger pieces of content. This manual approach puts a significant amount of control into the hands of the creator, allowing for precise and customized clip selection. However, unlike some other tools, Clipchamp does not seem to incorporate AI into the clip generation process. This lack of AI assistance means that users need to manually find and extract clips from their content, which could be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, particularly for long videos or podcasts. Additionally, while the manual approach does provide the advantage of total control, it does necessitate a higher degree of user input and effort. For creators looking to streamline their process or automate certain aspects of clip generation, Clipchamp might not provide the most efficient solution. In summary, Clipchamp provides a platform for manual video editing and clip creation, offering significant control over the process. However, its lack of AI-powered clip generation could result in a more time-consuming process and might not align with the needs of creators seeking a more automated solution.

Get started making clips today.


+What's ClipFM?
+How does the AI find clips?
+What if I don't like the clips?
+How many clips will I get?
+Will Clip work for my content?
+Does it work with audio-only podcasts?
+What languages does it support?
+Will my clips go viral?
+Can I make my own clips?
+Do you have an affiliate program?
+How do I try it out?